Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

This year for Halloween we went to a trunk-or-treat at our church. I really like it this way, not having to go door to door and get scared by the weirdos out there. It is safe, you don't have to worry about the candy plus you are just walking car to car so you don't get tired. They had a Chilli for dinner and had games set up for the kids to play, it was a lot of fun! Luke dressed up as two-face, he is from batman, Madi dressed up as a witch, and Max was batman. Oh, I can't forget us, Curt was a kung fu master and Lori was a doctor. Maybe next year we will do a family theme, I guess we'll have to wait and see!

1 comment:

Cheri said...

The picture of Curt is soooo funny! Your kids look great too. I want to see the Dr. Costume:)